Type alias UnwrappedOption<T, U>

UnwrappedOption<T, U>: T extends Some<infer TValue> ? UnwrappedOption<TValue, U> : T extends None ? U : T extends string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint | undefined | null | Uint8Array | Date ? T : T extends object ? { [ key in keyof T]: UnwrappedOption<T[key], U> } : T extends (infer TItem)[] ? UnwrappedOption<TItem, U>[] : T

A type that defines the recursive unwrapping of a type T such that all nested Option types are unwrapped.

For each nested Option type, if the option is a Some, it returns the type of its value, otherwise, it returns the provided fallback type U which defaults to null.

Type Parameters

  • T

  • U = null

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