Whether or not an account at a given address exists.
if the account exists, false
The public key of the account.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when checking if an account exists.
Send and confirm an airdrop transaction to the given address.
The public key of the account to airdrop to.
The amount of SOL to airdrop.
options: Partial<RpcConfirmTransactionOptions>The options to use when airdropping SOL.
Send a custom RPC request to the node.
The generic result of the RPC call.
The method to call.
params: PThe parameters to pass to the method. Can be either: - An array for positional parameters - An object for named parameters
options: RpcCallOptionsThe options to use when sending a custom RPC request.
Confirm a sent transaction.
The RPC response of the transaction confirmation.
The signature of the transaction to confirm.
The options to use when confirming a transaction.
Fetch a raw account at the given address.
A raw account that may or may not exist.
The public key of the account to fetch.
options: RpcGetAccountOptionsThe options to use when fetching the account.
Fetch multiple raw accounts at the given addresses.
An array of raw accounts that may or may not exist.
options: RpcGetAccountsOptionsThe options to use when fetching multiple accounts.
Fetch the balance of an account.
An amount of SOL.
The public key of the account.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when fetching an account's balance.
Fetch the estimated production time of a block.
The estimated production time of the block in Unix time.
The slot to get the estimated production time for.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when getting the block time of a slot.
Fetch the latest blockhash.
The latest blockhash and its block height.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when fetching the latest blockhash.
Fetch multiple raw accounts from a program.
An array of raw accounts.
The public key of the program to fetch accounts from.
options: RpcGetProgramAccountsOptionsThe options to use when fetching program accounts.
Get the amount of rent-exempt SOL required to create an account of the given size.
An amount of SOL.
The size of the account in bytes.
options: RpcGetRentOptionsThe options to use when fetching the rent exempt amount.
Fetch transaction commitments from an array of signatures.
An array of transaction statuses in the same order as the signatures.
If a transaction was not found, null
will be returned instead.
The signatures of all transactions we want to fetch commitments for.
options: RpcGetSignatureStatusesOptionsThe options to use when fetching transaction commitments.
Fetch the recent slot.
The recent slot.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when fetching the recent slot.
Fetch a transaction by its signature.
A transaction with its metadata or null
if the transaction was not found.
The signature of the transaction to fetch.
options: RpcBaseOptionsThe options to use when fetching transactions.
Send a transaction to the blockchain.
The signature of the sent transaction.
The transaction to send.
options: RpcSendTransactionOptionsThe options to use when sending a transaction.
Simulate a transaction.
The signature of the sent transaction.
The transaction to simulate.
options: RpcSimulateTransactionOptionsThe options to use when simulating a transaction.
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines the interface for an RPC client. It allows us to interact with the Solana blockchain.